After a few years break from the spotlight, Jodie-Joy aka J-J is launching her new look n sound. Story of the independant artist and her almost famous life

3 cover songs featuring Jodie-Joy. Arranged, mixed/mastered at StudioProof on the Gold Coast and 'Addicted to you' at K-Rasta Productions, Brisbane.
JJ's remixed this popular songs like you have never heard them before! WATCH the music videos and share on your facebook to recieve the full MP3 song version FREE (CLICK HERE)
A versatile performer and well known character of the theatre stage, Jodie produces her own Cabaret to be featured at Short n Sweet Cabaret Festival, Gold Coast. Dueling Divas is about the tall poppy syndrome in the performance industry - a topic Jodie is passionate about changing through her own actions and helping others achieve their dreams too. More on this later...
About to jump over to the US to film my doco 'Story of independant artist' and doing it old school style. Performing live, knocking on doors, songwriting and touring the great hot spots like LA, Vegas, New York, New Orleans, Florida, Miami. Can't wait for the adventure! Having ball doing what I love, living the dream as they say. Best of all I get to take my family with me and enjoy the journey of doing what I love to do - entertaining you.
A compilation of five songs, carefully crafted by Jodie who leads by example in this fiercly masked world opening up to her audience showing parts of her lifes journey, the hard slog to make her dreams a reality and her own vunerability. 'Naked'' and more open than ever