Main Stage - Brisbane newest live music venue
Brisbane Night Markets main stage - JJ and her band perform regularly - check out events on her facebook page and come see what...

Gold Coast Show Festival
#evententertainment #festivalmusic #goldcoastband #jodiejoymusic #JJ #jodiejoy #brisbanesing #brisbaneband #livebandgoldcoast...

Laneway Jazz Festival 2018, more events go to jodiejoymusic
#jazzmusic #JazzFestival #jazzandblues #festivalmusic #festivalfunJJjodiejoylanewayfestivaljazzm #regattahotel #livemusicevent #livemusic...

Nightquarter 2018 www.radiosouls.com
#JJ #goldcoastmusic #livebandgoldcoast #livemusic #liveband #goldcoastevent #goldcoastsinger #events #evententertainment...

Stay tuned for 'Soul to Soul' Show coming to venues near you
#soultosoul #soulshow #soulmusic #JodieJoy #jj #livemusic #liveband #entertainmentgoldcoast #livemuiscgoldcoast #livemusicbrisbane...